updated 07-17-19

Welcome to our carved onyx bear page!

These are both standard and "Zuni" Bears.  For expanded view and secure order page, simply click the photo of your choice. Thank you for taking the time to view these items.

rtbear.gif (17354 bytes)lftbr.gif (17325 bytes)

Large Bears,  $15 each

bear-6.jpg (348675 bytes)

bear-3.jpg (348675 bytes)

hr540.jpg (7615 bytes) hr540.jpg (7615 bytes)
Small Zuni Bears, approx 2 x 1 3/4 inches.

zunibear-2.jpg (114475 bytes)


zunibear-4.jpg (92304 bytes)

zunibear-5.jpg (215727 bytes)

zunibear-7.jpg (80910 bytes)

zunibear-8.jpg (121945 bytes)

zunibear-9.jpg (135162 bytes)

zunibear-10.jpg (110458 bytes)

zunibear-11.jpg (282445 bytes)

zunibear-12.jpg (117116 bytes)

zunibear-13.jpg (85770 bytes)

zunibear-14.jpg (77644 bytes)


Small  Bears, approx 2 x 1 5/8 inches

smbear-2.jpg (131305 bytes)





smbear-8.jpg (160689 bytes)

smbear-9.jpg (114097 bytes)

smbear-10.jpg (121126 bytes)

smbear-11.jpg (146340 bytes)

smbear-12.jpg (109972 bytes)


smbear-14.jpg (76995 bytes)


Medium Standing Bears, approx 2 1/2 inches wide, 3 inches tall

Large Standing Bears, approx 4 inches wide, 5 inches tall

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